
The Memorial Fund

This special fund is used to memorialize a loved one or to remember special events such as weddings, anniversaries, births, baptisms, and birthdays. The family is notified of each gift and an acknowledgement is sent to the donor. A permanent record of each donation is maintained in our Book of Remembrance that is displayed on All Saints Day and other special times. All gifts, including those from children and grandchildren, are treated equally irrespective of the amount.

The Memorial Fund is managed by a St. John Memorial Committee. Based on suggestions from the congregation, and after approval by the Congregation Council, accumulated funds are used to purchase suitable gifts to the congregation such as altar linens, communion sets for our ministry to the homebound and sick, acolyte and server robes, choir robes, an altar flower vase, choir chimes, communion rail kneeling cushions, “Reserved” pew signs, large print hymnals, a classic music work on a Sunday of the Passion, park benches at our main entrances, and birch trees honoring our founders and commemorating our Finnish heritage.

Memorials may be given using the blue envelopes in our pew racks or can be mailed to our church office. Please contact a Memorial Committee member to obtain further information or to suggest a suitable gift to our congregation from the Memorial Fund.